Everything You Should Know About Using a Large Wax Melter

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Everything You Should Know About Using a Large Wax Melter

Are you thinking about buying a wax melting machine? The video gives insight into how it works and what you need to know to operate it correctly. A large machine can melt up to thirty pounds of wax. The machine itself consists of a main power and power adjustment switch with two settings: 600W and 1600W. The 600W setting is good for most soy and vegetable waxes.

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If the wax you use has a melting point of over 1300 degrees, then you should use the 1600W setting.

In the front of the machine, there is a stainless steel setting that contains a display that shows temperature, duration, and delayed start time. Operating the machine is easy. Load your wax to the top of the tank, leave the lid off, and set the machine to 600W. You should always start off at this temperature. You can set the melter to 1600W, if necessary, only after the initial wax and only if the tank is half full of wax. Failing to do this may result in the display of an error code.

You will then be ready to begin melting your wax. To do so, turn on the power switch and then the On button next to the main display. The machine will begin melting the wax at the default temperature and duration settings. The normal run time is 4 hours. You now know all about using a large wax machine.



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