The Difference Between Digital Printing and Screen Printing

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The Difference Between Digital Printing and Screen Printing

Media printing comes in a few different forms and most people can’t recognize the difference. So, what is the difference between screen printing and digital printing? You need to understand what the difference is so you know what option is the best for your business.

Screen printing is really interesting because each color is put down at a different time. This is extremely important when you’re creating your artwork for your product.

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You’ll want to use as few colors as possible so they’re easier to mass-produce. Still, the quality of screen printing is practically unmatched.

The print comes out thick and beautiful every time. The best thing to do when ordering screen-printed products is to order a lot all at once. That way, you’ll get the best ban for your buck. Ordering these products in small batches can become quite pricy.

On the other hand, digital printing is much more accessile. There is much less setup and very little waste in terms of ink and other products. There is also no limit when it comes to colors because everything is printed all at once. To learn more about both of these techniques, please reference the video above.



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