The Most Common AC Problems

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The Most Common AC Problems

This video discusses some of the most common air conditioner (AC) problems.

It is hard to live through a hot and humid summer without air conditioning. Unfortunately, they fail during the most uncomfortable days. For this reason, it’s a good idea to know the signs of impending problems.

One of the easiest issues to correct is a dirty air filter.

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Cold air from the condenser can’t get through the filter’s pores when it’s caked with pollen, dust, and other debris. As a result, HVAC components start to freeze and cause the AC’s failure. Monthly replacement of the air filter lengthens the life of your equipment.

As the video shows, there are air conditioner issues that can’t be resolved by homeowners. In these situations, you must seek out AC services to investigate the problems. The subject matter experts at these companies examine the components to determine if it’s an issue with the AC’s motor, condenser, or thermostat. If addressed early, repair costs could be minor.

Needless to say, don’t wait until it’s too late to resolve your air conditioner problems.


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