How One Man Turned a Dumpster Into a Rad Secret Room

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How One Man Turned a Dumpster Into a Rad Secret Room

It may sound crazy, but did you know that you can turn a dumpster into a livable house? Here’s what you need to know.

1. The first thing you need to start with is the floor.

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With that, you can choose to have hardwood and install it on the flooring. Hardwood is preferable to tile, as it will not put too much weight on a dumpster.

2. Once done with the flooring, you may now proceed with the walls. You can get a bunch of boards to frame in the walls. The dumpster can turn into a real house when you work on its walls.

You only have to cut the drywall pieces so they would fit into the room perfectly. You may also use double drywall to have your place soundproof.

3. If you find little holes, you must cover and sand them to prepare them for paint.

4. Once done sanding, you may proceed with painting. Start with painting your walls white before painting them with your desired color.

5. You may also add baseboards and decorate. You may install LED lights and paint carpets and posters on walls to make your place look lively.

6. You may now put on the bedding and a little dining set. You can now live in the dumpster you turned into a secret room.



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